Gape in Awe...
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Just who is Darrell? How does one begin to comprehend the enigma that is you?
*chuckle* Well, there are far too many great things about me to go into here, where we only have a limited space, so let's just stick to the basics for now...


HEIGHT! -- About 5'6"

WEIGHT! -- 130, give or take

EYES! -- Green... though they can be red too ------->

HAIR! -- Brown, and going fast!

KNOWN PERSON THAT I LOOK LIKE! -- Well, there are two that I am said to look like the most. Greg Hetson, of Circle Jerk fame... and Martin Short. I like the former better...

What do you in your spare time?
I'm in the job market right now, and a full time student. So, I spend alot of time studying. When not that, I divide mah time up between some other things.

Some EverQuest and Dark Age of Camelot playing. Some going out with my friends - Sarah, Kate, Daryl and Danielle. Some watching of Law & Order, Criminal Intent and Special Victims Unit. I can't get enough of those bloody show, really. Alot of listening to music and reading.

And, when I'm lucky, I get down to the St. Louis area and visit my dear friends down there.

*breathless* Wow, so manly... how do I talk to you!?!?
*chuckling* Well, you can send me an email, and I'll have my personal "Email Screener Types" look through and sift through all the 'undesirables.'

You may be one of the lucky ones to get to know the real me!

No really...